1. Which of the following describes you best?
Please choose the description nearest to how you see yourself
a. You eat too many fatty foods
b. You eat too much in one meal
c. You regularly snack between meals
d. You want to exercise but always lack energy
2. How much weight do you need to lose?
Just tell us how much weight your trying to lose so we can assess an appropriate diet pill.
a. 5 - 10 Pounds
b. 10 - 25 Pounds
c. 25 - 50 Pounds
d. More than 50 pounds
3. Do you eat takeaways more than once a week?
We all have the occasional takeaway but how often do you have one more than once in a week?
a. Always
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Never
4. Are you a Diabetic?
There are several diet pills on the market that are not recommened for Diabetics and then there are those that are recommended for Diabetics.
a. Yes
b. No